/*piblic*/ .i-title1 { color: #0965af; font-size: 4vw; line-height: 1.1; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: left; } .i-title1 strong { color: #ffcc33; } /*.i-title1 b:before { content: ''; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; height: 1px; background: #ccc; margin-right: 1vw; width: 6.7vw; }*/ .i-title1 b em { font-size: 2vw; color: #666; } .i-w { width: calc(100% - 3.5vw); } .i-box { font-size: 0; max-height: calc(100% - 50px - 1.5vw); position: absolute; z-index: 0; top: calc(50% 25px 0.75vw); left: 0; transform: translatey(-50%); width: 100%; } .siper-btn a { text-transform: capitalize; color: #02497d; font-size: 18px; font-family: "微软雅黑", microsoft yahei; } .siper-btn a[class*="right"] { margin-left: 5px; } .siper-btn i { width: 20px; height: 1px; background: #003366; } .siper-btn .swiper-pagination { margin: 0 10px; position: static; width: auto; font-size: 24px; color: #66cc33; } .siper-btn .swiper-pagination span:before { content: '0'; } .siper-btn a[class*="left"] { margin-right: 5px; } .banner, .banner * { height: 100%; } .bannershow_b1 img, .bannershow_b2 img { width: 100%; } .box { position: fixed; z-index: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; } #service_list_a1 { display: none !important; } #main-page.swiper-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; } #main-page .main-pagination { position: absolute; left: 1.5vw; z-index: 2; bottom: 2vw; } .main-pagination span:first-child { margin-top: 0; } .i1-swiper-pagination span { opacity: 1; position: relative; margin: 15px 0 0; width: 16px; height: 16px; background: none; z-index: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; outline: none; transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } .main-pagination span { border-radius: 0; transition: 0.3s ease 0s; width: 2px; height: 0.8vw; display: block; margin: 0 auto; background: #ddd; opacity: 1; } #main-page>div>.swiper-slide { overflow: hidden; } .i1-swiper-pagination span:before { content: ''; width: 6px; height: 6px; border-radius: 50%; background: #bbb; position: absolute; z-index: 0; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } .banner-text-box { width: 47.5%; position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 9.4vw; z-index: 0; } .index-text img { width: 86%; } .main-pagination span[class*="active"] { background: #0965af; height: 2.1vw; } .banner { width: 52%; } .bannershow_b1 .swiper-container-horizontal .swiper-pagination-bullet { width: 12px; height: 12px; background: #fff; opacity: 0.6; margin: 0 0 0 1.7%; } .bannershow_b1 .swiper-pagination-bullet[class*="active"] { opacity: 1; } .bannershow_b1 .swiper-pagination { display: none; height: auto; width: calc(100% - 80px); padding: 0 3%; text-align: right; bottom: 6%; } .bannershow_b1 .swiper-container-horizontal .swiper-pagination-bullet:first-child { margin-left: 0; } .banner-btn { position: absolute; right: 2.1vw; top: 50%; transform: translatey(-50%); z-index: 1; } .banner-pagination { width: auto; color: #ccc; font-size: 1.25vw; margin: 0 0.5vw; } .banner-btn a { transition: 0.3s ease 0s; font-family: "宋体", simsun; color: #ccc; font-size: 1.25vw; } #banner-text li { font-size: 1.25vw; text-align: right; color: #0965af; } .banner-text-box .line { width: 59%; display: block; background: #ddd; height: 1px; margin: 4vw 0 1.5vw; } #banner-text li em { font-size: 1.6vw; } .banner-pagination span:before { content: '0'; } .banner-pagination .swiper-pagination-current { color: #5fc62d; } /*.banner-text-box>.m-down { transform: translatey(30px); } .banner-text-box>.m-up { transform: translatey(-30px); } .banner-text-box>.m-right { transform: translatex(30px); } .banner-text-box>.m-left { transform: translatex(-30px); }*/ .banner-text-box>div { } .bg1 { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/bg1.jpg) no-repeat right center; background-size: cover; } .bg2 { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/bg2.jpg) no-repeat right center; background-size: cover; } .bg3 { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/bg3.jpg) no-repeat center; background-size: cover; } .bg4 { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/bg4.jpg) no-repeat center; background-size: cover; } .bg5 { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/bg5.jpg) no-repeat center bottom; background-size: cover; } /*bj*/ .bj { line-height: 2.9vw; font-size: 0; height: auto; position: absolute; right: 4.2vw; bottom: 4.2vw; z-index: 1; background: #fff; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 999px; padding: 1vw 3.6vw; box-shadow: 0.5vw 0.5vw 1vw 0 rgba(66,66,66,0.1); } .bj i { width: 2.9vw; height: auto; } .bj div { margin-left: 1.5vw; height: auto; color: #868686; } .bj time { font-size: 16px; color: #868686; } .bj b { margin-right: 1vw; font-size: 1.25vw; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .bj h3 { font-size: 1.2vw; font-weight: normal; color: #0965af; } .bj span, .bj em { height: auto; font-size: 1.0vw; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .bj em { margin: 0 5px; } .bj span.r { color: red; } .bj span.g { color: green; } .pb { margin-left: 1.5vw; padding-left: 1.5vw; border-left: 1px solid #eee; } .bj span:last-child { margin-left: 1vw; } .bs { position: absolute; bottom: 2.8vw; left: 6.8vw; text-align: center; color: #fff; font-size: 0; z-index: 1; } .bs li { position: relative; z-index: 0; border-radius: 6px; border: 1px solid #fff; background: rgba(255,255,255,0.1); padding: 0.6vw 1vw; transform: translatey(100%); opacity: 0; transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } .bs i { transition: 0.3s ease 0s; width: 2.1vw; height: 2.1vw; } .bs img { max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; } .bs p { margin-top: 5px; font-size: 16px; text-transform:uppercase; } /*i-footer*/ .i-footer { display: none; position: fixed; width: 100%; z-index: 1; left: 0; bottom: 1.5vw; color: #333; font-size: 0; } .i-footer>div { overflow: hidden; } .i-footer .l i { width: 20px; margin-right: 10px; } .i-footer .l a { transition: 0.3s ease 0s; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 1.5vw; } .i-footer .l a span { font-size: 14px; } .i-footer .l a:first-child { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 2vw; } /*i-title*/ .i-title { height: auto; width: 3.5vw; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } .i-title em { font-size: 3vw; color: #0965af; font-family: arial; display: block; line-height: 1; } .i-title i { display: block; width: 1px; height: 7.3vw; background: #c1c1c1; margin: 10px auto; } .i-title span { font-size: 16px; color: #c1c1c1; writing-mode: vertical-lr; text-transform: uppercase; writing-mode: tb-lr; margin: 0 auto; height: auto; } .i1-box { height: 100%; } /*i2*/ .i2 .rl { width: 46.5%; margin-left: 3.5%; /*padding-left: 3%;*/ } .i-title1 b { margin-top: 1.5vw; display: block; } .i2 .rl i { width: 34.5%; display: block; margin-top: 10%; } .i2 .rl p { font-size: 16px; color: #666; line-height: 2; -webkit-line-clamp: 3; max-height: 102px; margin-top: 3%; width: 56%; } .i2 .i-box { padding: 0 4%; } .i2 .a-btn { margin-top: 5.5%; padding-bottom: 0.2vw; } .i2 .rr { width: 50%; float: right; height: 30vw; } #i2-pagination { padding-right: 10%; bottom: auto; top: 3%; text-align: right; } #i2-pagination span { width: 14px; height: 14px; background: #fff; opacity: 0.5; margin: 0 0 0 20px; outline: none; } #i2-pagination span[class*="active"] { opacity: 1; } /*i3*/ .i3 .i-title1 b:before { width: 32%; } .i3 .i-box { padding-right: 4%; height: 100%; max-height: none; top: 50%; overflow: hidden; } .i3 .i-box .l, .i3 .i-box .swiper-container { height: 100%; } .i3 .ll { width: 54.5%; height: 100%; } .i3 .ll i { display: block; height: 100%; width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 0; } .i3 .ll>img { position: absolute; z-index: 0; max-width: 51%; max-height: 56%; bottom: 0; right: -24%; } .i3 .lr { width: 50%; margin-left: -10%; position: relative; z-index: 0; } .title1 { font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } .title1 strong { color: #0965af; font-size: 2.5vw; font-weight: normal; } .title1 span { font-size: 16px; color: #5fc62d; margin-left: 5px; } .i3 .lr p { margin-top: 8%; -webkit-line-clamp: 3; font-size: 16px; color: #666; line-height: 2; width: 61%; margin-left: auto; transform: translatey(100%); opacity: 0; } .i3 .lr .pc-720 { width: 61%; margin-left: auto; } .i3 .a-btn { margin-top: 4%; width: 61%; margin-left: auto; transform: translatey(100%); opacity: 0; } .i3 .i-box .swiper-slide[class*="active"] .lr p, .i3 .i-box .swiper-slide[class*="active"] .a-btn { transform: translatey(0); transition: 0.8s ease 0s; opacity: 1; } .i3 .siper-btn { position: absolute; text-transform: capitalize; width: 33%; z-index: 1; bottom: 12%; right: 5%; } .i3 .siper-btn a { color: #0965af; font-size: 18px; font-family: "微软雅黑", microsoft yahei; } .i3 .siper-btn i { width: 20px; height: 1px; background: #003366; } #i3-pagination { margin: 0 10px; position: static; width: auto; font-size: 24px; color: #66cc33; } #i3-pagination span:before { content: '0'; } .i3 .siper-btn a[class*="left"] { margin-right: 5px; } .i3 .siper-btn a[class*="right"] { margin-left: 5px; } .i3 .lr p span { color: #0965af; } .i3-btn { font-size: 1.25vw; color: #ccc; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translatey(-50%); width: 3.5vw; height: 3.5vw; z-index: 1; text-align: center; line-height: 3.5vw; background: #fff; border-radius: 50%; font-family: "宋体"; box-shadow: 0 0.2vw 0.5vw 0 rgba(0,117,241,0.15); transition: 0.3s ease 0s; opacity: 0; } .i3-right { right: 0; } .i3-left { left: 4vw; } .i3-bg { position: absolute; width: 16%; left: 46%; bottom: 5vw; z-index: -1; animation: r360 5s linear 0s infinite; } .i3-bg1 { position: absolute; width: 13.8vw; z-index: 0; left: 0; top: 0; transform: translate(-100%, -65%); } @keyframes r360 { 100% { transform:rotate(360deg); } } /*i4*/ .i4 .rbl .siper-btn { margin-top: 5vw; } .i4 .rtr { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 50%; z-index: 0; opacity: 0; transform: translate(0, -50%); transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } .i4 .rtl p { font-size: 2.5vw; color: #0965af; } .i4 .rb, .i5 .rt { overflow: hidden; } .i4 .rtl span { font-size: 1vw; color: #66cc33; text-transform: uppercase; margin-top: 10px; display: block; } .i4 .r {/* padding-left: 3%; */ } .i4 .i-box { left: 4%; width: 96%; } .i5 .i-box { padding: 0 4% 0 0; } .i4 .i-title i, .i5 .i-title i { background: #fff; } .i4 .i-title span, .i5 .i-title span { color: #fff; } .i4 .rbl { padding: 2% 0 0 8%; width: 33%; } .i4 .rbl li i, .i5 .rb li i { height: 1vw; width: 1vw; margin-right: 1vw; } .i4 .rbl li a span, .i5 .rb li a span { transition: 0.3s ease 0s; font-size: 1.25vw; color: #666; } .i4 .rbr { width: 67%; position: relative; z-index: 0; } .i4 .rbl li.on a span, .i5 .rb li.on a span { font-size: 1.6vw; color: #0965af; } .i4 .rbl li.on a:after, .i5 .rb li.on a:after { display: inline-block; } .i4 .rbl li:nth-child(1) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i21.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i4 .rbl li.on:nth-child(1) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i21-1.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i4 .rbl li:nth-child(2) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i22.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i4 .rbl li.on:nth-child(2) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i22-1.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i4 .rbl li a:after, .i5 .rb li a:after { content: '-->'; vertical-align: middle; font-family: "宋体"; font-size: 1.25vw; color: #0965af; margin-left: 1vw; display: none; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li { margin-right: 3.4vw; padding: 0.7vw 0 0 0; position: relative; z-index: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-bottom: 0; background: none; transition: none; width: 24vw; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li a { height: 15.6vw; box-shadow: 0.5vw 0.5vw 1.5vw 0 rgba(5,73,145,0.2); } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li:before { content: ''; height: 73%; width: 55%; position: absolute; box-shadow: 0 0.5vw 2vw 0 rgba(0,117,241,0.1); background: #66cc33; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #ffd947, #66cc33); z-index: -1; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li span { background: none; padding: 0; border: none; text-align: left; font-size: 18px; color: #666; margin-top: 4%; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li span:before { content: ''; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; height: 1px; background: #ccc; width: 9%; margin-right: 3%; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li:before { content: ''; height: 73%; width: 55%; position: absolute; box-shadow: 0 0.5vw 2vw 0 rgba(0,117,241,0.1); background: #66cc33; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #ffd947, #66cc33); z-index: -1; right: 0; opacity: 0; top: 0.7vw; transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li[class*="active"]:before { top: 0; right: -0.7vw; opacity: 1; } .bg4-img1 { position: absolute; left: 0; z-index: 0; width: 6.5%; top: 2vw; } .i4 .rt { margin-right: 4vw; margin-left: 5vw; } .i4 .rbl .siper-btn>div, .i4 .rbr>div, .i5 .lt>div, .i5 .siper-btn>div { position: absolute; width: 100%; opacity: 0; transform: scale(1, 0); transform-origin: top; top: 0; left: 0; } .i4 .rbl .siper-btn>div.on, .i4 .rbr>div.on, .i5 .lt>div.on, .i5 .siper-btn>div.on { transition: transform 0s ease 0s, opacity 1s linear 0s; position: static; opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); } /*i5*/ .bg5-1 { position: absolute; width: 6.5%; left: 0; z-index: -1; top: 5vw; } .i5 .l { width: 56.6%; } .i5 .r { width: 43.4%; padding-left: 7.4%; } .i5 .rb { margin-top: 5%; } .i5 .data b { font-size: 1.9vw; display: block; } .i5 .data { transition: 0.3s ease 0s; width: 19%; display: inline-block; font-size: 1.25vw; color: #0965af; vertical-align: middle; } .i5 .newnr p { transition: 0.3s ease 0s; margin-top: 2%; font-size: 16px; color: #666; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; line-height: 1.875; overflow: hidden; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; max-height: 60px; } .i5 .newnr b { transition: 0.3s ease 0s; font-size: 18px; color: #0965af; display: block; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } .i5 .newnr { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 65%; } .i5 li em { opacity: 0; width: 16%; text-align: right; color: #c9e5ff; transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } .i5 li em:after { content: 'more'; font-size: 16px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .i5 li em:before { margin-right: 0.8vw; content: '-->'; font-size: 1.25vw; font-family: "宋体"; color: #c9e5ff; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .i5 li.swiper-slide a:before { content: ''; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; height: 100%; width: 0; } .i5 li.swiper-slide a { font-size: 0; background: none; transition: 0.3s ease 0s; height: 100%; display: block; padding: 0 5vw 0 7vw; border-radius: 0 999px 999px 0; overflow: hidden; } .i5 .no-list .swiper-slide { padding-left: 7vw; font-size: 14px; } .i5 .swiper-container { height: 25vw; } .i5 .swiper-slide { height: 8.333vw; } .i5 .siper-btn { padding-top: 3%; text-align: right; border-top: 1px solid #c9e5ff; margin-top: 4%; margin-left: 8%; } .i5 .rb li:nth-child(1) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i23.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i5 .rb li:nth-child(2) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i24.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i5 .rb li:nth-child(3) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i25.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i5 .rb li:nth-child(4) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i26.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i5 .rb li.on:nth-child(1) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i23-1.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i5 .rb li.on:nth-child(2) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i24-1.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i5 .rb li.on:nth-child(3) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i25-1.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i5 .rb li.on:nth-child(4) i { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/i26-1.png) no-repeat center; background-size: contain; } .i5 .rb .a-btn { margin-top: 7%; } /*i6*/ .i6 .r, .i6 .rr { height: 100%; } .i6 .rt { width: 39.5%; margin-left: 5%; margin-bottom: 3vw; } .i6 .rr { width: 55.5%; background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/bg6.jpg) no-repeat center; background-size: cover; } .i6 .rr i { display: block; box-shadow: 0 1.3vw 3.4vw 0 rgba(7,63,124,0.3); } .i6 .rl>span { margin-top: 10px; display: block; font-size: 16px; color: #78cb43; text-transform: uppercase; } .i6 .rl ul { margin-top: 5%; } .i6 .rl li { margin-top: 3%; } .i6 .rl li { font-size: 16px; color: #666; } .i6 .rl p { font-size: 1.5vw; color: #666; margin-top: 1.5vw; } .i6 .rl { z-index: 1; } .i6 .rt .a-btn { margin-top: 6%; } .i6 .rt .beian { margin-top: 14%; padding: 0 10% 0 0; line-height: 1.5; } .i6 .rt .beian span:first-child { display: block; } .bg6-1 { position: absolute; width: 13vw; top: 0; z-index: 1; right: 0; transform: translate(41%, -48%); } .bg6-2 { width: 16%; position: absolute; left: -9.5vw; bottom: 1vw; z-index: -1; animation: r360 5s linear 0s infinite; } .i4 .page, .i4 #load_more_button, .i5 .page, .i5 #load_more_button, .i5 .newimg, .i5 .data i, .i3 .ll>div, .i3 .ll .i3-bg, .nav1 { display: none; } .i6 .rl li:first-child { margin-top: 0; } .bs li:not(:first-child) { margin-left: 1.2vw; } .main-pagination span:not(:first-child) { margin-top: 0.5vw; } .i4 .rbl li:not(:first-child), .i5 .rb li:not(:first-child) { margin-top: 1vw; } @media screen and (min-width: 721px ) { .bj, .i4 .rb, .i6 .rr { transform: translatey(100%); transition: 0.3s ease 0s; opacity: 0; } .bg6-1 { top: -50%; opacity: 0; transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } .i6 .i-title1, .i6 .rl p, .i6 .rl ul, .i6 .rt .a-btn, .i2 .rl>*, .i4 .rt .i-title1, .i4 .rt .i-title1 b { transform: translatex(-100%); opacity: 0; transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } .i6 .i-box { padding: 0 0 0 4%; height: 100%; top: 50%; max-height: none; } .i6[class*="active"] .bg6-1 { top: 0; opacity: 1; transition: 0.8s ease 0s; } .i5 li[class*="active"] a { background: #0965af; } .i5 li[class*="active"] .data, .i5 li[class*="active"] .newnr b, .i5 li[class*="active"] .newnr p { color: #fff; } .i5 li[class*="active"] em { opacity: 1; } .i1[class*="active"] .banner-text-box { opacity: 1; transform: translate(0, -50%); transition: 0.8s ease 0s; } .i1[class*="active"] .bs li, .i1[class*="active"] .bj, .i4[class*="active"] .rb, .i6[class*="active"] .rr { opacity: 1; transform: translatey(0); transition: 0.8s ease 0s; } .i2[class*="active"] .rl>*, .i2[class*="active"] .rr, .i4[class*="active"] .rt .i-title1, .i4[class*="active"] .rt .i-title1 b, .i6[class*="active"] .i-title1, .i6[class*="active"] .rl p, .i6[class*="active"] .rl ul, .i6[class*="active"] .rt .a-btn { transform: translatex(0); opacity: 1; transition: 0.8s ease 0s; } .i4 .rtr, .banner-text-box { opacity: 0; transform: translate(100%, -50%); transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } .i4[class*="active"] .rtr { opacity: 1; transform: translate(0, -50%); transition: 0.8s ease 0s; } .i1[class*="active"] .bj { transition: 0.8s ease 0.5s; } .i1[class*="active"] .bs li:nth-child(2), .i2[class*="active"] .rl>:nth-child(2), .i4[class*="active"] .rt .i-title1 b, .i4[class*="active"] .rb, .i6[class*="active"] .rl p { transition: 0.8s ease 0.2s; } .i1[class*="active"] .bs li:nth-child(3), .i2[class*="active"] .rl>:nth-child(3), .i6[class*="active"] .rl ul { transition: 0.8s ease 0.4s; } .i1[class*="active"] .bs li:nth-child(4), .i2[class*="active"] .rl>:nth-child(4), .i6[class*="active"] .rt .a-btn { transition: 0.8s ease 0.6s; } .i2[class*="active"] .rl>:nth-child(5) { transition: 0.8s ease 0.8s; } .i2 .rr { transform: translatex(100%); opacity: 0; transition: 0.3s ease 0s; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1025px ) { .bs li:hover i { transform: rotatey(360deg); } .i3 .swiper-container:hover .i3-btn { opacity: 1; } .i3-btn:hover { background: #0965af; color: #fff; } .i-footer .l a:hover { color: #78cb43; } .banner-btn a:hover, .i4 .rbl li a:hover span { color: #0965af; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1200px ) { } @media screen and (max-width: 1600px ) { .i4 [class*="photolist"] h4 { font-size: 18px; } .i6 .rl li, .i6 .ewm span, .i4 [class*="photolist"] li span, .siper-btn a, .i5 .newnr b { font-size: 16px; } .siper-btn .swiper-pagination { font-size: 20px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1400px ) { .i5 .newnr p { font-size: 14px; max-height: 53px; } .i2 .rl p, .i3 .lr p, .i3 .a-btn, .i3 .lr .pc-720 { width: 80%; } .bj h3 { font-size: 18px; } #i3-pagination { font-size: 20px; } .i2 .rl p, .i3 .lr p { max-height: 90px; } .title1 span, .i2 .rl p, .bj time, .i3 .lr p, .i4 .rtl span, .i6 .rl>span, .i6 .rl li, .i6 .ewm span, .bs p, .main-pagination a, .i4 [class*="photolist"] li span, .siper-btn a, .i5 li em:after, .i6 .rl li { font-size: 14px; } .bj b, .bj span, .bj em, .i3 .siper-btn a, .i4 [class*="photolist"] h4 { font-size: 16px; } .siper-btn .swiper-pagination { font-size: 18px; } .i-footer .l i { width: 16px; margin-right: 5px; } .i-title span, .i-footer .r, .i-footer .l a span { font-size: 12px; } #i2-pagination span { width: 10px; height: 10px; margin: 0 0 0 10px; } .i6 .ewm { width: 90px; } .i6 .ewm em { width: 20px; margin-right: 5px; } .i6 .rt .beian { padding: 0 5% 0 0; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1200px ) { .i4 [class*="photolist"] h4 { font-size: 14px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1024px ) { .i5 .i-box { padding-right: 4%; } .i5 .swiper-container { height: 40vw; } .bj-open { width: 5.6vw; height: 5.6vw; } .bs i { width: 3.5vw; height: 2.5vw; } .bj { } .bj .r { } .bj .l { } .bj h3 { font-size: 16px; } .bj b, .bj span, .bj em, .siper-btn .swiper-pagination { font-size: 14px; } .bs p, .siper-btn a, .i4 [class*="photolist"] li span { font-size: 12px; } .main-pagination a { font-size: 12px; width: 3vw; height: 3vw; line-height: 3vw; } .i-box { } .i2 .i-box { } .i2 .rl { } .i2 .rl i { } .i2 .rr { width: 50%; height: 28vw; } .i-footer .r { float: none; text-align: center; } .i2 .a-btn, .i3 .a-btn { margin-top: 5%; } .i6 .i-box { /*padding-left: 3%;*/ } .i3 .lr { } .i4 .rbl li.on a span, .i5 .rb li.on a span, .i4 .rbl li a:after, .i5 .rb li a:after { font-size: 2.5vw; } .i-title1 b em, .i4 .rbl li a span, .i5 .rb li a span { font-size: 2.2vw; } .i4 .rbl li i, .i5 .rb li i { height: 2vw; width: 2vw; } .i4 .rbl { } .i2 .rl i { width: 50%; } .i2 .rl p { width: 90%; font-size: 12px; max-height: 77px; } .i3 .title1 span { display: none; } } @media screen and (max-width: 720px ) { .i6 .rl p { font-size: 5vw; margin-top: 2vw; } .i5 .swiper-container { height: 79vw; } .i4 .i-box { padding-top: 7vw; width: 96%; left: 4%; } .i4 .rt, .i5 .rt { margin: 0 auto; width: 80%; } .i5 .l { width: 100%; display: block; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 52vw; } .bg4-img1, .bg5-1 { width: 14%; top: 15vw; } .i4 .rbl { width: 80%; padding: 0; margin: 6% auto; display: block; } .i3 .ll .i3-bg { display: block; } .i3 .ll .i3-bg1 { height: auto; width: 19vw; transform: translate(-90%, -85%); } .i3 .ll .i3-bg { width: 17vw; height: auto; top: auto; left: 57%; bottom: 2vw; z-index: -1; } .i3 .a-btn, .i5 .r { width: 92%; margin: 0 auto; display: block; } .i3 .lr p { width: 92%; margin: 0 auto; } .i5 .r { padding-left: 0; } .i3 .ll>div { margin-right: 4%; display: inline-block; } .i3 .i-box { padding: 0; } .bg2 { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/bg2-1.png) no-repeat right bottom; background-size: 85% auto; } .i2 .rl p { width: 100%; font-size: 3.8vw; line-height: 1.6; max-height: none; margin-top: 5%; } .banner-text-box { width: 73.5%; right: 4%; transform: translatey(-50%); } .index-text img { width: 100%; } .banner-text-box .line { margin: 3vw 0; } .banner { width: 61%; } .i1-box { height: calc(100% - 14vw); margin-top: 14vw; } .banner-btn { right: 4%; top: auto; transform: none; bottom: 35vw; } .banner-pagination { font-size: 3.8vw; margin: 0 2vw; } .bj { bottom: 9vw; width: 92%; left: 4%; padding: 3% 6%; line-height: normal; } .bj i { width: 10%; height: auto; vertical-align: top; } .bj .r { width: 90%; vertical-align: top; padding-left: 5%; margin-left: 0; } .bj h3 { margin-bottom: 2vw; font-size: 4.4vw; display: block; } .bj div { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; vertical-align: top; } .bj time { font-size: 3.8vw; margin-left: 2vw; padding-left: 2vw; line-height: 1; vertical-align: top; display: block; padding: 0; margin: 0; margin-top: 2vw; border: none;} .bj b { margin-right: 3vw; } .bj-open { width: 10vw; height: 10vw; right: 3%; bottom: 5vw; } .public-close:before, .public-close:after { width: 5.5vw; } .bj b, .bj span, .bj em { font-size: 3.8vw; line-height: 1; } #i3-pagination, .i3 .siper-btn a { font-size: 5vw; } .i2 .rl { width: 100%; padding: 0 4vw 0 0; margin-left: 0; } .i2 .i-box { padding: 8% 0 0 4%; } .i3 .i-box, .i2 .i-box, .i4 .i-box, .i5 .i-box, .i6 .i-box { height: calc(100% - 14vw); top: 14vw; transform: none;max-height: none; } .i5 .i-box { padding: 7% 0 0; } .i-title1 b em { font-size: 5.2vw; color: #444; } .i-title1 b { margin-top: 1vw; } .i2 .r, .i3 .l { width: 100%; } .i3 .ll i { width: 64%; } .i2 .rl h3, .i-title1 { font-size: 8.3vw; } .i2 .rr { width: 78%; height: 45.5vw; padding-left: 0; margin-top: 11vw; } .i2 .a-btn { margin-top: 3%; } .i6 .i-box { padding: 0; max-height:none;} .i3 .ll { width: 100%; height: 75vw; text-align: right; } .i3 .a-btn { margin-top: 4vw; } .i3 .ll>img { right: 0; } .i3 .lr { width: 100%; margin-top: 0%; margin-left: 0; } .title1 span { display: inline-block; font-size: 3.8vw; margin-left: 1vw; } .title1 strong, .i4 .rtl p { font-size: 6.66vw; } .i4 .rtl span { font-size: 4.4vw; margin-top: 1vw; } .i4 .rt { margin-left: 0; } .i6 .rl>span { font-size: 3.8vw; margin-top: 1vw; } .i6 .rl li { font-size: 3.8vw; margin-top: 2vw; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li:first-child { width: 100%; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li:first-child a { height: 55.5vw; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li { width: 52vw; padding: 1.5vw 0 0 0; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li img { min-width: 100%; } .i3 .lr p { font-size: 3.8vw; line-height: 1.57; max-height: none; margin-top: 8%; } .i3 .siper-btn { position: static; width: 100%; text-align: center; margin-top: 7vw; } .i3 .siper-btn i { width: 4.2vw; height: 2px; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li a { height: 42vw; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li span { font-size: 3.8vw; } .i4 [class*="photolist"] li span:before { width: 11%; } .i4 .r, .i6 .r { width: 100%; padding-left: 0; } .a-btn { padding-bottom: 1vw; } .siper-btn i { width: 3vw; } #banner-text li, .banner-btn a, .siper-btn a { font-size: 3.8vw; } .i4 .a-btn { text-align: center; margin-top: 8vw; } .i5 .a-btn { text-align: left; margin-top: 5vw; } .i6 .rt:before { content: ''; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; height: 100%; width: 0; } .i6 .rl { width: 100%; padding: 0; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .i6 .rt { font-size: 0; width: 92%; display: block; margin: 0 auto; height: 48.5%; padding: 0; overflow: auto; } .bg6-2 { top: 44%; width: 33%; left: -18.5vw; bottom: auto; } .beian { height: 12.5%; padding: 0; } .i6 .rl ul { margin-top: 6.5vw; } .i5 .newnr p { font-size: 3.8vw; max-height: none; line-height: 1.6; } .i5 li.swiper-slide a { padding: 0 4%; border-radius: 0; border-top: 1px solid #eee; } .i5 .newnr { width: 80%; } .i6 .rr { width: 100%; height: 39%; background-position: top center; } .i5 .data { font-size: 3.8vw; width: 20%; color: #666; } #banner-text li em, .i4 .rbl li.on a span, .i5 .rb li.on a span, .i4 .rbl li a span, .i5 .rb li a span, .i4 .rbl li a:after, .i5 .rb li a:after { font-size: 4.4vw; } .i5 .data b, .i5 .newnr b { font-size: 5vw; } .i6 .a-btn { text-align: center; margin-top: 7vw; } .i4 .rbl li i, .i5 .rb li i { height: 4vw; width: 4vw; margin-right: 2vw; } .siper-btn .swiper-pagination { font-size: 5vw; margin: 0 1.5vw; } .i4 .rbl .siper-btn { margin-top: 8vw; } .siper-btn a[class*="left"] { margin-right: 1vw; } .siper-btn a[class*="right"] { margin-left: 1vw; } .bg4 { background: url(/uploads/image/eimages/bg4-2.png) no-repeat right bottom; background-size: 56.7% auto; } .i4 .rbl li:not(:first-child), .i5 .rb li:not(:first-child) { margin-top: 2vw; } .i4 .rbr { width: 100%; display: block; } .bg5 { background-size: auto 30%; } .i2 .l, .i3 .r, .i4 .l, .i4 [class*="photolist"] li:nth-child(4), .i4 [class*="photolist"] li:nth-child(5), .i6 .l, .i6 .ewm, .i2 .rl i, .i-title1 b:before, .i5 .rb, .i5 .siper-btn, .i5 li em, .bg6-1 { display: none; } }